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South Gippsland Honey Bee

Pure Raw Local Honey

Free Local Bee Swarm Removal*

Free Unwanted Beehive Removal


Buying a Beehive

Beekeeping Buying a Bee Hive

Buying a Beehive needs to be from a Registered Beekeeper

Check out the Legal Requirements from the Victorian Department Agriculture

An Established Beehive can have up to 50,000 Bees in a Hive

Where as a new Beehive Colony may have 10,000 Bees and can take a year to Establish and Build up

the Bee Numbers and Produce Honey

A New Beehive Colony is more delicate, avoid opening to often, Allow 3 to 6 Months before adding a Super Box

to the Beehive to Allow the Numbers to Build up

When the Bee numbers build up enough they tend to get rid of Hive Beetles themselves and it stops Wax Moths as well

Emlocks around a Beehive make them easy to open

Wear a Bee Suit and Appropriate Protective Wear

Some Cheap Bee Suits won't Protect you from Bee Stings, Oz Armour Are a good Bee suit

Wear a Good Baseball Cap under the Bee Suit it saves you getting stung in the Face

it stops the veil touching your face

Good Gloves are Very important to stop Bee stings as you use your hands to do the work

You can Inspect the Beehive for Excess of Beetles,Wax Moth, Varroa Mite other pests or

anything that looks unhealthy

If the Bees have Pollen Sacks under the wings it is one Good sign the Beehive is Functioning Normally

Double Beehives should have a Queen Excluder between the Brood Box at the Bottom where the

Queen is and Lays the eggs and the Super where the honey is stored in the top box

Without the Queen Excluder the Honey and eggs will be mixed together

and it's a Good idea to have a board in the Lid to stop Burr Comb gathering at the top of the Beehive

Beehives should be closed in the Dark so the Bees are not Outside gathering Pollen then you will lose 25% of your Bees

Pick up the Beehive in the early morning and have a Stand to put the Beehive on

An Entrance Reducer helps to stop Robber Bees and you can close the Beehive when Moving or selling

Put small Containers under the legs with a little Water or Oil to Stop Ants from entering the Beehives

Make sure the Beehive isn't Touching Grass or Trees so Ants won't use this as a Ladder

Choose a spot that is away from the Neighbors and not too Hot or Windy

You can place a Lid on top of the Beehive to stop the Rain

There are also Various Beetle traps if the Beehive has a lot of Beetles present

Bee Types

Queen Bee Drone Bee Worker Bee

3 types of Bees in a Hive

Queen Bee Worker Bee

Queen Bee and Worker Bee

Queen Bees

The Queen Bee is a Fertile Female, Bees have a Short Lifespan Queens up to 5 Years

The Queen Bee Lays Between 1,000 and 2,000 Eggs a Day to hatch new bees and New Queens to Swarm

The Queen Bee can be Recognised by

her unusual Long and Large size

Worker Bees

Worker Bees are the Smallest in the Beehive

The Worker Bees are Sterile Females

The Worker Bees do most of the Labor in

the Beehive, Collecting Nectar, Building Honeycomb and Preserving Honey

The Worker Bees Maintain the Temperature of the Hive by Distributing Water then Fanning there Wings to Circulate Evaporated Moisture, They Remove Dead Bees and Protect the Hive from Intuders

A Single Worker Bee Produces .083 of a Teaspoon of Honey

The Worker Bee can visit up to 2,000 Flowers a Day

Drone Bees

The Drone Bee is a Large Chubby Bee

The Drone Bees are Male

Drones (Mate with the Queen)

The Drones live between 6 Weeks and 6 Months Drone Die immediately after mating

The Drones have no Stinger and cannot Collect Pollenand are looked after by the Worker Bees


Bees don't Fly at Night but will Crawl and are Attracted to Light

Bees don't like Flying in Wet Weather, this is the Best time to Approach a Beehive

Bees are Generally Docile but will protect the Beehive, They become more Aggressive when moved

or when Honey is Extracted for up to a week

Bees Produce Honey for them to Eat and also helps them Survive Winter when their aren't many Flowers around

Bees Travel up to 6 Kilometers to Collect Nectar and Pollen

Bees Fly at Around 25KMH and beat their Wings 200 times a Second Creating a Buzz Sound Bees have 4 Wings

A Bee Colony can Contain up to 60,000 Bees Each Colony has it's own Odor

Honey Bees Uses a Complex Symbolic Language

A Beehive is a Constant 40 Degrees Celsius all Year

Bees are Very Neat and Organized

Bees Have 5 Eyes and three simple Eyes and tow Large Compound Eyes

Bees Die after Stinging, Bees use the Sun for Navigation

Bees can Recognize Faces for two Days and Bees have a Complex Tongue

Bees are very Sensitive to Smell The Bee Brain works in Reverse

Bees Math Geniuses are able to Calculate Distances faster than a Modern Computer

Bees make Wax from their Abdomen

Bees are Good for the Environment

Italian Worker Beer
Bee on Flower

Bees are Very Important Pollinators for Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables

Bees Transfer Pollen between Male and Female parts allowing plants to Grow Seeds and Fruit

The Bee Population is in Decline for over a Decade due to Parasites, Disease and Pesticides Bees increase Crop Yields by up to 25%

Bees are used Extensively in The Walnut, Almond and Fruit Industries

35% of Crops Need Bees for Pollination and 75% of Plants Benefit from Bee Pollination in Australia

Bee Swarms

Bee Swarm In Gumtree


Bees Swarm to Survive by Spliting in Two or More

They send out Scouts first to find a Suitable Location

In Melbourne, Australia Bees Swarm from October to December

Their can be up to 20,000 Bees in the Air at any one time, Which Generally Lasts for 15 Minutes

This can be a frightening experience for a short time but the Bees have had a Good feed of Honey

before they leave

They Usually land on a tree branch or a bush until they fly away to make a New Hive

The Bees are only Dangerous if they feel Threatened so keep a Safe Distance

Bee Plants

Yellow Box Gum tree

Bees Like Gum Trees, Flowers, Fruit Trees, Vegetables and Herbs

Lavender, Bluebells, Sweet Alyssum,Sunflowers

Banksia, Callistemon, Lepospermum, Meleleuca

Rhododendrons and Azaleas Produce Toxic Honey

South Gippsland Honey Aparies


Devon Meadows,

Cannons Creek, Pearcedale, Korumburra, Cranbourne

Registered Beekeeper


Phone: 0403 092331

Pr 24:13

Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey from the comb is sweet to your taste


© copyright South Gippsland Honey